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Bad Company Theatre presents

Sunday Roast by Thomas Sainsbury


Directed by Finn Carter and Milla Chaffer


21st - 29th March | The Hidden Theatre, Kickstart Arts


Hilariously absurdist and wonderfully bizarre, Thomas Sainsbury brings a comedy in the deepest shade of black. No-one seated around this dinner table escapes intact. A scathing critique of class and consumerism, this show is bloody, vile, and a hell of a lot of fun. Grab a seat, sit back, and sharpen your knives. This is no ordinary Sunday Roast.

Content Warning:
Please note that the satirical nature of this show uses comedy to critique disturbing behaviours of wealthy families. It contains sexual content, violence & coarse language. It makes reference to, but does not depict suicide, family massacres, gun violence & sexual violence (underage hypersexuality and incest).

AUSLAN SESSION: Saturday March 22nd

SENSORY ACCESSIBLE SESSION: Sunday March 23rd (matinee)


16+ recommended.

Book via:

KickstART Arts Inc., PO Box 731, North Hobart, 7002    |    © 2024 KickstART Arts Inc.

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