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In 1997 writer, filmmaker and creative producer Richard Bladel incorporated the organisation naming it Kickstart Arts and expanded the partnership model to include many successful joint ventures with education, health and community service organisations with the purpose of making art for social change.


Kickstarts broad social justice agenda was then led by Artistic Director / CEO
Jami Bladel between 2006-2021 and moved to St Johns Park, a time which saw a team of creative producers, artists and arts workers developing and producing many successful multi-arts partnership projects focused on positive social change.


The development of the St Johns Creative Living Park began during this time and continues today.

A Brief History

Kickstart Arts grew out of an Arts In Working Life Program established in Tasmania in 1992, directed by Jock MacQueenie.


The program laid the foundations for community partnerships that bring together diverse groups and organisations from the private, community, education, health and public sectors in a spirit of creativity. 


During a five-year period, Jock led a broad range of Tasmanian artists to champion the use of good quality and innovative art-making in a community context: a focus that has remained a defining feature of Kickstart Arts ever since.

Kickstart Arts Community Arts and Cultural Development programs support -


- employment of Tasmanian-based artists and arts workers

- positive artistic, cultural and social development

- engagement with community needs and interests

- new and sustainable creative partnerships

- collaborative projects and programs

KickstART Arts Inc., PO Box 731, North Hobart, 7002    |    © 2024 KickstART Arts Inc.

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